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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Training & Development >
Training Schedule
Training Schedule is used to create and maintain training programs. The training schedule captures below details:

  1. Training dates, courses and venue.
  2. Training institution and instructions
  3. Staff Enrolment
  4. Training Cost
  5. Resources utilized  in the training


  1. Training Schedule Listing

Steps to create Appraisal Templates:

  1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
  2. Enter below details
    1. Code - The code is system generated
    2. Course Code - Select the course for the training. Courses are maintained under "Linkweb - Training and Development - Course Maintenance".
    3. Institution Code - Select the institution.  Institution are maintained under "Linkweb - HRM Maintenance - Institution".
    4. Instructor Code - Select the training instructor. Instructor is maintained under ""Linkweb - Training and Development - Instructor".
    5. Venue Code - Select the venue for training. Venue is maintained under ""Linkweb - Training and Development - Venue".
    6. Date From and Date To - Enter the start and end dates of the training.
    7. Duration - Enter the duration of the training.
    8. Duration Unit - Select the duration type. For example, the training is for 2 days then "Duration" will be 2 and "Duration Unit" will be days.
    9. Notes - This is an open text field, users can enter desired content.
    10. Status - Select the status of the training.
    11. Void - Void records will be "Disabled" and will not appear in any lookups . Edit the record and "UN-tick" void to activate a record.
    12. Save.Click on the "Floppy Icon".
  3. Click on the "Grey Arrow" next to the schedule. This will expand into the details.
    1. Go to the "Attendees" tab.
      1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
      2. Enter below detail:
        1. Employee Code - Select the employee from the list.
          1. Employees are automatically enrolled from a active "  Training Plan ".
        2. Grade - Enter the grades obtained by the employee during the training.
        3. Notes - This is an open text field, users can enter desired content.
        4. Status - Select the enrolment status.
        5. Save - Click on the "Floppy Icon".
    2. Go to the "Cost" tab.
      1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
      2. Enter below detail:
        1. Cost Code - Select the cost that can incur during the training. "Cost"is maintained under "Linkweb -  Training and Development - Cost Type".
        2. Date Incurred - Enter the date on which the cost incurred.
        3. Cost Centre Code - Select the the cost centre to which the cost is charged.  Select the "Cost Centre". "Cost Centre" is maintained under "Linkweb - HRM Maintenance- Cost Centre".
        4. For Who - Select the cost association entity. This is maintained under "Linkweb - Company Administration - Dropdowns - Training Schedule Cost For Who".
        5. Per What - This is maintained under "Linkweb - Company Administration - Dropdowns - Training Schedule Cost Per What".
        6. Amount - Enter the cost.
        7. Save.Click on the "Floppy Icon".
    3. Go to the "Resources " tab.
      1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
      2. Enter below detail:
        1. Resource Code - Select the resource required for the training. "Resources" are maintained under  "Linkweb - Training and Development - Resources".
        2. Quantity - Enter the quantity of the resource that will be used.
        3. Save.Click on the "Floppy Icon".

Figure 1: Training Schedule